• Come Join Us at the +JMJ+ Catholic Homeschoolers Summit!
  • Our Discoveries: Fun and Learning Time with Kinder Joy
  • Woman, You Are Meant to Shine! (An Invitation)
  • Mothers Need to Love Themselves, Too (Thank You for the Reminder, Watsons!)
Welcome to Truly Rich and Blessed, a place where you will (hopefully!) find inspiration for discovering — and growing — the "riches" that you already have. Guided by Matthew 6:25-33 and the teachings of Catholic preacher Bro. Bo Sanchez, we want to help you live a fuller life in all aspects. The author, Tina Santiago Rodriguez, is a Catholic wife, homeschool mom, and "media missionary" who hopes to bless you through her articles, videos, social media posts, online community, and offline talks and events — all for God's greater glory!