It’s been almost 10 days since my last post – do forgive me! It’s been a crazy 10 days, and those of you who follow my updates on Facebook and Twitter probably know why.
Last Saturday, we brought Anne for her follow up check-up with the pedia from the hospital where I gave birth. Imagine our shock and dismay (and my panic!) when we were told she had not only NOT regained her birth weight yet, but had lost additional weight! The pedia said it was most likely due to dehydration (oh this is such a long story actually, but I have to make this quick, as Anne might wake up!).
I started doubting my milk supply then and there, so I asked my friends from Medela Moms for advice. By God’s grace, they had just hired an in-house lactation counselor so right after the check-up with the pedia, we went to the Medela House to see her. She was most helpful (more details in another post!).
Still, my mother’s instinct and Anthony’s father’s instinct told us to try consulting the two older kids’ pedia for a second opinion. So we went to see her the next day (Sunday). She told us to get Anne’s blood and urine checked, just to make sure that her weight loss, irritability and bouts of low-grade fever were not due to an infection.
We got the results the next day and lo and behold, she had a UTI! 🙁 So our pedia (the second one, not the first one) told us to have her admitted for observation and IV antibiotics treatment. We just got home from the hospital on Friday, two days ago. I don’t want to go into detail anymore about what happened at the hospital – too bad there was no wifi there so I couldn’t give you guys a daily account through my blog posts!
Needless to say, it has been another stressful week for us. Still, I am thankful to God that Anthony was able to stay with me and Anne all the days we were at the hospital (he told his boss that I was getting depressed and was so tired and needed him by my side – all true! *sighs*), and that so many people prayed and are still praying for Anne’s complete healing (she’s continuing medication at home). Also, thank God for my parents, who helped take care of the two older kids. And oh so many other blessings! There are even people who surprised us with tokens of financial support – without our asking nor seeking it!
As I write this, I still can’t help but worry about Anne because she is still not peeing and pooping like “normal” breastfed babies do. And she still seems irritable at times and seems to be in pain sometimes when she pees, even if it’s already her fifth day of antibiotics. But I know our God is greater than anything and He is in control (ok, I know this but sometimes the human “mommy” side of me can’t help worrying!).
So I guess by writing this post, what I’m trying to do is make a declaration of faith. After all, it’s Ascension Sunday and Mother’s Day too, one week before Pentecost. Our God is greater! 🙂 Declare it with me, friends!
P.S. The photo below is of our little Anne at the hospital. It broke my heart to see her like that but again, our God is greater, right?!
Breaks my heart too, Tins… how I wish that Anne would get healed instantly, much like my prayer for Pia too. Love you both. Let’s keep on praying and holding on to God’s promise that He loves and takes care of His little children. Mwahs! Hugs!