One of my favorite bloggers, Jen Fulwiler of Conversion Diary, came up with an ‘epic blogging challenge‘ last year — to write 7 posts in 7 days! I joined and was able to complete it, by God’s grace. 😉
Ever since Jen posted about doing it again this year though, I’ve been thinking and praying about whether or not I can do it. And if I were to do it, what would I write about?
Well, if you’ve read the title of this post (and I’m sure you have because you clicked on it! Ha, ha!), you already know what my decision is.
Yes, I’m going to do it! Write 7 posts in 7 days, specifically about homeschooling. This is partly in response to inquiries I’ve been receiving again on and via email about why we homeschool, what do we do, how does one get started, etc. I hope the 7-post series will be helpful somehow. 🙂
Here’s what you can expect this week:
Day 1 (Monday, Feb. 24):
Homeschooling in the Philippines — Answers to some FAQs
Day 2 (Tuesday, Feb. 25):
My usual ‘The Week and Day That Was’ post, which usually focuses on our homeschool days
PLUS (God and time-willing!) an EXTRA post about independent homeschoolers in the Philippines
Day 3 (Wednesday, Feb. 26):
A special Word-Filled Wednesdays post featuring encouraging Bible verses for homeschool moms (and dads!)
Day 4 (Thursday, Feb. 27):
Homeschooling in the Philippines — Where to get support
Day 5 (Friday, Feb. 28):
A special Freebie Fridays post featuring free Catholic homeschool curriculum
Day 6 (Saturday, Mar. 1):
Homeschooling in the Philippines — Where to enroll your child locally
Day 7 (Sunday, Mar. 2):
My top 5 reasons for homeschooling
Whew! Just typing this out makes me feel tired! Ha, ha! This is definitely going to be an EPIC blogging challenge, as Jen puts it! Please pray that I’ll be able to do it, along with the gazillion other things I need to do this week! (And if you’re wondering why I decided to do this, it’s mostly because of YOU — yes, you! It is my prayer that this blog be useful to at least one person out there, especially anyone who may be exploring/thinking about/praying about homeschooling!)
Is there anything specific about homeschooling that you’d like me to cover next week?
Let me know in the comments and I’ll see what I can do!
Adding the links to all 7 posts here:
Homeschooling in the Philippines — Answers to some FAQs
The Week and Day That Was: A Peek at Our Homeschool Days
Independent Homeschoolers in the Philippines
Word-Filled Wednesdays: Encouraging Bible Verses for Homeschoolers
Homeschooling in the Philippines: Where to Get Support
Freebie Fridays: Free Catholic Homeschool Curriculum
Homeschooling in the Philippines: Where to Enroll Your Child Locally
Go go go TIna!!! Can’t wait to read all of those!
PRAY FOR ME, kumare! hahahahaha! 🙂 Thanks for your support! Tsup!
Looking forward to your posts Momma Tina! I’m sure they’d be great!
Pray for me, Mommy Daise! It’s deadline week next week, too, for work, but so is every week naman eh! 😀 Hahahaha! 🙂
I’ve seen a lot of homeschooling moms and I wonder how you guys do it. I’m looking forward to all these posts. I wanna learn about homeschooling too 🙂
The first post is up, Camille! 🙂 Thanks for visiting! 🙂 Feel free to ask me about homeschooling anytime! 🙂