It’s the weekend, friends! 🙂 For the parents out there, don’t forget to spend some time building beautiful memories with your kiddos (yes, even if sometimes you—like my husband and I—would rather spend it lazing about with your own individual interests)! I know many of you are celebrating your kids’ special milestones this weekend, too, like moving up and graduation. If that is the case, congratulations to you and your kids! 🙂
I attended or CFA’s Graduation and Moving Up Day yesterday and was once again inspired by Bro./Kuya Bo Sanchez‘s short message to the parents (one of the “perks” of my work as editor of CFA’s e-newsletter and blog is that I get to hear Bro.Bo speak a lot 😉 ). He told the parents present to help their children grow in confidence, to believe that they were born to do great things for God, but not to pressure them to be someone they’re not. He said (and I’m paraphrasing here),
“Tell your child, ‘You’re amazing,’ but add these three important words: ‘as you are.’ “
Sometimes we parents forget this (especially yours truly), so it’s always good to be reminded — each child is special in God’s eyes, and has unique talents, gifts and skills that God can use to bless the world. Part of being truly rich and blessed is learning to see the treasure we have in our own homes.
So go ahead — “spoil” your awesome kids today with LOVE. Tell your child/ren: “You are amazing, just the way you are.”
If you’re looking for a fun family movie to watch with your kids, one that highlights their uniqueness in God’s eyes, here’s one from Veggie Tales (our kids love this!):
(Image credits: Photo in image by David Castillo Dominici |)
This is a beautiful reminder, Tins. Thank you so much!!
Hi Toni dear! 🙂 I need to remind myself about this reminder every day! Haha! #keepingitreal Miss you! Hugs!
Will definitely keep this in mind and remind our family members to do the same. Adding “just as you are” makes a big difference! Thanks for sharing. Your posts are truly insightful. God bless!
So sorry for the late reply, Mommy Jing! My blog’s been acting up so I just saw your comment. Praise God and thanks for your kind words! God bless always! 🙂
Will definitely keep this in mind and remind our family members to do the same. Adding “just as you are” makes a big difference! Thanks for sharing. Your posts are very insightful. God bless!
Praise God for your kind comments, Jing! 🙂 Am happy this post is useful somehow! God bless!