As you may have noticed, I have been quite silent here on the blog. If you’re following me on or , you’d know that I gave birth prematurely after a few more-than-the-usual-busy months of easing back into my usual routine (as I mentioned here, I was previously on bedrest). I was juggling family life, work, trying to homeschool homeschooling the kids, service, and preparations for the Philippine Homeschool Convention. All by God’s grace alone, of course!
So anyway, I gave birth almost a month before it was safe for our baby to come out (34 weeks) and it’s been a whirlwind of so many ups and downs and roundabouts since then…. so for those of you who have been praying for our family, THANK YOU SO MUCH! We praise God for you.
But this post is not about that. So I’ll just get to the point before the baby wakes up!
Calling all Catholic homeschoolers!
On behalf of our homeschool support group, ROCKERS Philippines, I’d like to invite you to the +JMJ+ Catholic Homeschoolers Summit happening on Monday Nov. 26, 10.30am-4.30pm, at the Feast Ortigas-Galleria Center, Lower Level, Robinsons Galleria.
ROCKERS stands for Roman Catholics Keeping Education Real, and +JMJ+ stands for Jesus, Mary, Joseph. 😊
What is the Catholic Homeschoolers Summit?
To clarify, the Summit is NOT the equivalent of a homeschool conference like the Philippine Homeschool Convention, so it’s NOT an event that will give you the basics about how to homeschool or share tips on how to homeschool your kids. There will be NO talks like Homeschool 101, How to Homeschool Multiple Grade Levels, and the like.
Instead, the Summit is mainly an inspirational event aimed to “renew” and “refresh” the hearts and spirits of Catholics who are already homeschooling or have previously homeschooled their kids. We are also open to those who are exploring or curious about homeschooling, of course! (But if you’re a Catholic parent who believes that conventional brick-and-mortar schooling is the way to go for your family and want to attend the Summit, you’re most welcome too!)
So, why call it a “Summit” then?
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “Summit” as:
: the highest point of a mountain : the top of a mountain
: the highest level
: a meeting or series of meetings between the leaders of two or more governments
As Catholic parents and/or homeschoolers, God has chosen us to be the “leaders” of our families. It is only right then that we gather together in a recollection/retreat type of activity, where we can be reminded that +JMJ+ i.e. the Holy Family is our guide and model when it comes to raising and teaching our kids. 🙏🏻
Also, Jesus Himself also regularly took time out of His busy schedule to pray on the top of a mountain… on a “summit.”
So, in this case, the Summit will be a “place” of prayer, not just an event. (At least, that is our hope!) 🙏🏻
Included in our lineup of speakers are former homeschoolers Chris and Linda Padgett from the US, who are the founders of Catholic Family & Marriage. They will be coming to the Philippines for the Kerygma Conference, and graciously said “yes”to speaking at the Summit!

The Padgetts! I heard Chris speak at the Kerygma Conference last year, and he and his family are such an inspiration!
Stay tuned for further announcements about our other speakers! So exciting! 🎉 We will also be releasing the detailed program soon, hopefully by next week. (UPDATED: You can find the program and below are the posters of all our speakers and sharers!!! Praise God!!!)
Summit fees
The Summit registration fee of P800 per person will cover the usual costs when it comes to events like this: venue rental, speakers-related expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses. If you’ll be attending the Summit with your spouse, you may avail of the Couple’s Rate of P1400.
As our way of giving back, a percentage of the total fees collected will go to Tahanan ng Pagmamahal Children’s Home, which provides care, shelter, and education to orphaned, abandoned, and neglected children who—without any intervention—usually end up as scavengers, thieves, and prostitutes. 🙏🏻
Are kids allowed to join the Summit?
Due to venue constraints, there will be NO separate activities for kids. So if you can get someone to watch your kid/s for the day, I would strongly recommend it!
If, however, you have no other choice but to bring them, you may do so but please do be mindful of the other participants’ desire to focus on the talks at the Summit. Kindly e-mail me at if you have a concern with this. (I totally get you, since we don’t have a yaya/helper and rely heavily on extended family’s availability to babysit!)
Does the registration fee cover lunch?
As indicated above, the registration fee mainly covers Summit-related expenses. Thankfully, there are many dining options within Robinsons Galleria. You may also opt to bring your own lunch to eat at the venue.
How can people register for the Summit?
Since I usually have my hands full with our baby these days, I have asked my fellow homeschoolers, ROCKERS members, and dear friends from The Learning Basket (TLB) for help with the registration for the Summit. Just click here to go to the online registration form on the TLB website! 🙂
Do you have any other questions?
Please feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions, or text/Viber me at , or PM me on Facebook via the or on my personal account if we’re FB friends. 😉
Hope to see you on Nov. 26! Whether or not you can make it, please please please please do include the Summit and everyone involved in your prayers. Please?
Thanks, dear reader, for reading this post till the end. God bless always!🙏🏻