Mon, 26 Feb 2018 10:20:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tina – Truly Rich and Blessed 32 32 3 Ways to Make Meaningful Family Memories Thu, 22 Feb 2018 07:51:46 +0000 As you probably know by now, I love to encourage people—married and otherwise—”to discover and grow the ‘riches’ we already have”… and I truly believe that our relationships are among the most beautiful, treasured riches we could ever have. I mean, if you really think about it, at the end of our lives, it is the relationships that […]

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]]> 0 What Is True Love? Wed, 07 Feb 2018 09:13:00 +0000 February is popularly known as the “love month” because of Valentine’s Day falling on February 14. It’s the time when many people celebrate love and being loved, so businesses take the opportunity to market their products and services all in the name of “love.” But really, let’s think about it for a moment: What is love? […]

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]]> Caring for Our Resources: 3 Tips For Maintaining Your Car Mon, 29 Jan 2018 00:31:57 +0000 *Sponsored Post* I’ve mentioned before that our resources are considered part of “the riches we already have” while here on earth. Material things like the homes we live in, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, and so on and so forth are all resources that the Lord has given us. So we must […]

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]]> 3 Ways to Increase Your Family’s Focus on Faith Thu, 25 Jan 2018 09:10:59 +0000 Our family doesn’t really “do” New Year’s resolutions. Instead, we have an annual family visioning and goal-setting activity, during which we look at the previous year’s goals and accomplishments, list down our past blessings, and write down our goals and plans for the year ahead. It’s something we started two years ago, and I thank […]

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]]> Inspire: “Truly Rich and Blessed” Featured in the Catholic Social Media Summit 2017 Sun, 21 Jan 2018 13:44:56 +0000 I am still amazed and humbled at how God has used this little space on the World Wide Web for His greater glory. In small and big ways, and by His grace alone, He has affirmed me again and again that this blog is not for me, but it’s for Him. I’ve written about this before—several […]

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