I used to do Wordless Wednesdays over here on the blog, but not on a weekly basis. This year though, in line with my “One Word” for the year, and my goal to make this blog a “place of inspiration” for you all, I’ve decided to “tweak” the Wordless Wednesdays concept and replace it with “Word-filled Wednesdays” instead.
This new series, which I hope and pray I can do every week, will feature different words (could be just one or a whole bunch of them 😉 ) that I hope will encourage, inspire and empower you to keep on moving forward until the week ends.
We all have probably felt drained and tired by the middle of our week at one time or another, so Wednesdays would be a good day to “recharge” — to gather our strength and boost our spirits, so that we can continue until the week ends. It is my desire to bless you through this series, and I really hope this small act will be a “mirror” of God’s love for you. 🙂
So, let’s start our Word-filled Wednesdays this week with these words, which are so appropriate for what we’re commemorating today in the Church (Ash Wednesday):
Today, let us draw near to God. He promises to draw near to us if we do so.
Let us cleanse our hands and offer all that we do to Him, seeking His blessing as we work and play and create and build and touch and feel.
Let us purify our hearts, and not be “of two minds;” instead, let us be single-minded for the Lord. Let’s offer our hearts and minds to Him — believing that He will bless us as we allow Him to use us (yes, us, no matter how broken, sinful, “bad” we think ourselves to be).
Today, let us say, “Lord, I don’t know how to draw near to You… but can You please draw near to me anyway?”
Believe me, friends, He will. He is already near. 🙂
Feel His embrace today. And live blessed! 🙂