Our toddler is almost 2 years and 4 months old as I write this post. She has started becoming more independent, a LOT more talkative, and certainly has her own way of playing and doing other things (did I mention that she is more independent now?!).

She really showed us just how independent she is during our visit to KidZania Manila!
She has also shown a fondness for “reading” books, whether by herself, or with her Papa, siblings or me. She can verbalize really well what she wants, when she wants it (and usually, it’s “Now!”).
Since she has become more and more like a “little person” now, my husband and I decided to try to start potty training her, especially since we will have another baby in diapers in a few months! 🙂
It has been an unsure, rather rocky start, though. Just as with other things related to raising our children, we want to be sure that she is developmentally ready for it, and don’t want to “force” her to be potty trained if it’s not the “right” time yet. So, we’ve been taking it slow and steady… (slower than steadier on most days, truth be told!)
Thankfully, with the help of Huggies Dry Pants, our potty training journey has gotten a much-needed boost! Because of its unique design, which is quite similar to regular underwear, our little one is learning how to take off and put on her own diapers — which means, when the time comes, she will be able to put on and take off her own underwear once she is potty trained! Yay! 🙂
Huggies Dry Pants’ “easy-palit” design also means that our older kids can help out by putting diapers on their little sister when Mama is preoccupied.
Also, even if little Anne isn’t fully potty trained yet, we can rest assured that we won’t be waking up to a wet bed anymore, which used to happen on occasion with the old brand of diapers we used. (Seriously, I’m not kidding!)
So far, she can sort of hold her “wi-wi” and use the toilet when she needs to — but not consistently yet; usually, this happens in the mornings when she has just gotten up. (We need to count our small victories, yes?!)
Admittedly, when it comes to… errmm… number 2 (sorry, too much information!), we still have a long way to go! Ah, the joys of parenthood! 😉 We’re not in a hurry though — we are relishing every minute of these precious years (or at least trying to!).

Making meaningful memories at Taal Vista Hotel, one of our favorite getaway locations :)
These years are fleeting indeed. I still can’t believe that our little baby — who had a “shaky” beginning as a newborn — is now an active, confident, independent almost-preschooler! (Waaaahhh! Lord, please make time slow down, please!)

Our little one moving and grooving while “identifying” the letters of the alphabet… good thing Huggies Dry Pants are designed especially for active babies and toddlers like her!
So yes, the potty training journey has begun… and although it marks the beginning of another phase and stage in not-so-Baby Anne’s life, we praise God that we are able to witness it, and take an active part in it.
On a practical note though, may I ask for your valued opinion and inputs, friends? Especially our fellow parents out there? Yes? Yes! (Thank you!)
OK, here goes: Even if Anne is our third child, we would still appreciate any tips or tricks that you can share when it comes to potty training! 🙂 So, if you have any to share, please do let me know in the comments!
*Special thanks to for sending us Huggies Dry Pants diapers for our little Anne! 🙂 You are a blessing to our family!