{Not So} Wordless Wednesday: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us, Especially Our Country and Our Lawmakers!

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Related article: A Call to Prayer by HLI’s Fr. Boquet

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“Mary’s Womb is the meeting place of heaven and earth. “

— Christopher West

Photo from CBCP for Life
Related article: Bishop calls all faithful to Dec. 12 Mass, Congress watch
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Mama Mary, we ask for your intercession!
Jesus, we trust in You!

Why should we oppose the RH Bill:
Pls. read related articles below.
No Need for an RH Bill, Now or Ever
Issues on the Revised RH Bill (A Must Read)
Statements Against the RH Bill Amendments
Missing the Point

(And even if you’re NOT Catholic, there are reasons to oppose the Bill!)
Some Secular Reasons for Opposing the RH Bill

Secular Filipinos Against the RH Bill

The RH Bill Decoded via The 700 Club Asia

This is a rather lengthy video but worth watching! 🙂 Kudos to our brothers and sisters from the 700 Club Asia for doing this! 🙂 May more and more of our Christian countrymen make their voices be heard and stand up for LIFE! 🙂

If you’re a breastfeeding mom like me (yes, our three year old daughter still breastfeeds!), you’ve probably heard of the “.” If you haven’t, Jenny Ong of Chronicles of a Nursing Mom has written extensively about it on her blog here. Basically, the bill will water down the existing Milk Code, which essentially regulates the advertising of breast milk substitutes, including formula milk.

Since it’s breastfeeding month and all, this is the BEST time to reiterate again why we are for breastfeeding. Yes, there are instances when mothers are unable to breastfeed, or choose not to, and we are definitely not in the position to judge nor condemn them. I, for one, would like to say that I truly believe that God created me as a woman for a great purpose. Being a woman is a gift, and it is something that should be celebrated and treasured. And I believe that breastfeeding is part of that gift.

As women, our very bodies have a divine purpose. God created every part of our bodies for a very special purpose. Below is an eye-opening, inspiring excerpt from the Theology of the Body website (I’ve highlighted the parts I like the most in yellow):

Every fiber of a woman’s being cries out for connection, for relationship. This distinctively feminine orientation has been poo-pooh’d in recent decades, claiming it makes a woman weak and dependent. The solution has been to downgrade her need for relationships and upgrade her ability to accomplish and achieve. However, there’s an undeniable aspect of a woman that can’t be swept under the carpet or deleted from her life – her body…

The structure of a woman’s body is made for union, for connection. The act of intercourse happens within a woman’s body as does the union of egg and sperm. The rapidly forming embryo unites itself to the lining of the womb and remains connected through the umbilical cord. In breastfeeding, the woman and her child are connected heart to heart and flesh to flesh for love and nourishment.

There is no shame in being a woman. Only women can receive new life into the empty space within. Only women can make a gift of self so that others can receive the gift of their very lives. A woman’s body “speaks” the language of receptivity and relationship.

This is me breastfeeding Tim at three months. 🙂 I know I have posted this photo before in older blog posts and articles, but I really have very few breastfeeding photos! 🙁  Sad, huh?! 🙁 Oh well, I’ve taken lots of photos in my heart and mind! 🙂

We are made to receive life and sustain life! To nourish one’s children through breastfeeding is one of the most concrete signs of this fact — God can use us to sustain life! 🙂 Isn’t that something worth celebrating?

I’d like to share with you some of my breastfeeding-related posts:

BFFs Unite — True Breastfeeding Stories: and
Raising Pro-Life Kids — My Natural Birth and Beginning Breastfeeding Story

How to Breastfeed Your Baby in Public
It Takes a Village to Raise (and Nurse) a Child
Truly Rich Tips — How to Get Others to Support You in Breastfeeding
On Extended Breastfeeding — A Perfectly Normal Thing to Do
Truly Rich Tips — My Top 5 Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

Of course, since relief operations are still ongoing for the victims of the recent habagat and floods in the Philippines, I also want to remind you guys that breast milk donations are still being accepted. I wrote a post about that here, but there’s more updated info on Chronicles of a Nursing Mom here.

Also, if you’re a regular reader of Smart Parenting’s website, a fellow contributor, Abby Manalang-Villarica, shared her opinion of why she is against the Monster Bill. It makes for a good read, and you can find it .

Breastfeeding month isn’t over yet, and there are so many ways we can still celebrate it! 🙂 One of the simplest and best ways? Keep breastfeeding our children! 🙂 (If you are still breastfeeding!)

P.S. There is another “monster bill” that is in Congress now and I’m sure you guys have read my posts about it on Twitter and Facebook and even on this blog. (This document here best describes my stand against the bill.) You’ may have even watched footage or read news articles about Senator Tito Sotto’s recent speech about it. Whatever your opinion about the RH bill is, I hope and pray that we keep not just our minds, but also our hearts, open. For starters, I’d like to invite you to read this article here by Janet Smith, associate professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas. She writes about not just the effect of contraceptives, but the mentality that comes about with using and promoting them.


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