What role does financial literacy play in raising a family?
A very, very BIG one.
Families, especially those with young children like mine, need to have a strong financial foundation to ensure that nothing is lacking when the time comes (read: basic essentials people – food, water, clothing, shelter. etc plus the luxury item here and there *winks*). All parents, well, most at least, want to be able to give the best to their kids.
A lot of times however, we fail to do so.
We work ourselves to the bone, some even juggling 2 or 3 jobs at the same time. Still we fail to do so.
We try to save part of our income, hoping that that “rainy day” won’t come too soon.
We cut down on expenses, yet still the bills keep piling up.
Face it, we parents, no matter how hard we try, many many times fail to give the BEST to our kids.
But there is HOPE, people.
Don’t despair.
You don’t have to have a background in finance to be financially literate.
All you need is CONVICTION and COMMITMENT.
(More on this in the upcoming posts! Stay tuned!)
Meanwhile, if you’re interested in attending financial education seminars FOR FREE (at no charge to you whatsoever, all you need to invest is your time and transportation expenses!), please send me an e-mail at .