Exactly one year ago, on December 14, 2012, twenty children and six adults were fatally shot in Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut. The shooter, Adam Lanza, shot and killed his own mother before driving to the school. After his shooting rampage, Adam committed suicide as first responders started arriving on the scene.

I saw this on Jamie’s (of Simple Homeschool and Steady Mom) Facebook wall. We will never forget what happened at Sandy Hook.
I remember being in shock when I read news reports, tweets and posts about the shooting. I remember writing a post about not just the evil that “invaded” Sandy Hook, but other parts of the world, too, and how people — including me — need the Lord. I remember joining the Blogger Day of Silence, in support of the victims of Sandy Hook, and their families.
So many things have happened since then. So many other evil, senseless acts all around the world. So many tragedies, both man-made and caused by nature, including a super typhoon that has claimed thousands of lives and affected millions of people in our very own country.
Sometimes, we may ask, “Where is God in all this? Did evil triumph during tragedies like Sandy Hook? Why does God allow suffering in this world?”
If you ask me, my answer to these questions is the same as Alissa Parker’s. Alissa is the mom of six-year-old Emilie Parker, one of the children who died at Sandy Hook last year. She uploaded the video below, and you have GOT to watch it:
I don’t know about you, but I’m of the belief that evil will never win, even during what seems to be the darkest of days. Because of Christ’s coming down to earth as a babe in a manger, just so He could gain victory on the cross, evil will never, ever win. And that’s something we can cling on to during tough times. That’s something we can and should celebrate this coming Christmas and beyond.
How about you — do you believe that evil will never win too?
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