Just a quick post before I resume working on real “work-related” stuff. Advent starts this Sunday, December 1, so I thought I’d share some links to sites that, in turn, have links to great resources that you can use in your home/homeschool/school. Basically, you can use them wherever and however you like! My hope here is that, through one or all of these links, you will be inspired to prepare your hearts and homes during Advent, and focus on keeping Christ in Christmas. 🙂
Links to Free Resources for Special Events in December from Catholic Toolbox (The “lessons” here can be used for your homeschooler’s Religion subject, or just to supplement your child’s Religion lessons in school, if you’re not homeschooling!)
(Tons of stuff to do here on Lacy’s blog! Fun, fun, fun!)
Advent Resources from CatholicMom.com (Side story: This is how I first “discovered” CatholicMom.com — by searching for Advent activities when my eldest was just four years old! I can’t believe I’m a contributor to CatholicMom now! What a blessing! 🙂 )
Free Kindle Books: Classics for Christmas from Contented at Home (Some of the books weren’t available when I clicked on the links but most are! Remember, you don’t need a Kindle to read Kindle books! So go, go, go! Get them while they’re free!)
(A collection of free audio stories — a new discovery for me! We will try listening to these soon!)
Christmas Stories on StoryNory (My kids like listening to these stories even when it’s not Advent/Christmas.)
I’m excited to revisit some of the links above for our annual Advent traditions. We’re blessed to have a different “twist” to our pre-Advent adventures this year — we’ll be watching Ballet Philippines’ performance of A Christmas Carol tonight! 🙂 Praise God that Anthony was given free passes to the show!
Also, since I haven’t gotten around to wrapping our yet (eeeekkk!!!), I’ll most probably be using this inspired idea from . I hope that even with the different “twists” to our Advent traditions, all of us will still have fun AND stay focused on the true meaning behind all the stuff we plan to do.
Remember, whatever it is you choose to do, don’t forget the Reason for the Season! 🙂
Thanks, Mama Tina! Looking forward to a lot of read-aloud nights with NEW stories!
Same here, Mommy Blessie! 🙂 Hugs!