In case you didn’t know, it’s Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness Week (started on July 22 and ends on July 28). Although it’s mostly “celebrated” in the U.S., I’d like to think that we’re a universal Church (after all, that’s what “catholic” means, right?) and so I am one with our American brothers and sisters in promoting awareness about NFP. 🙂

I’m using this image as my Facebook cover photo this week; got it from a friend and fellow pro-life, homeschooling mom blogger.(You can check out her blog at
Unfortunately, I don’t quite have the time to go into detail about how we use NFP as a couple (yes, I am STILL busy and trying very hard not to let things slide around here). Let me say though that it’s helped us so much as a couple — to communicate better with each other, and for me to really get to know my fertility. 😉
Anyway, in honor of NFP Awareness Week, allow me to share some links that you guys can look up, which I hope may be useful to you, especially if you’ve never even heard of NFP, or are considering switching to NFP from artificial birth control:
iuseNFP: A very informative site that will help women, especially those who’re exploring or just starting to use NFP, understand it. Below is a screenshot of the site’s “Mission”:
You can also find them on Facebook:
“12 Reasons Why We Don’t Use Contraception” by Mandi of Messy Wife, Blessed Life: A good read! 🙂 I totally agree with her reasons!
Women Speak on NFP Series on Carrots for Michaelmas: Mandi’s post above is actually part of this series. There are quite a few posts linked up, but I think if you have the time to read them, you’d be all the better for it. 🙂 You’ll be able to read different women’s takes on and personal experiences with NFP. (This is on my to-read list!)
FYI, we use the Billings Ovulation Method (BOM), so I’m sharing a few links about it below:
I wrote an article for Smart Parenting’s website about the BOM a while back, too, which you can read here. (If clicking on the link doesn’t work, just search “Billings Ovulation Method” on the SP website.)
I’m not a certified NFP/BOM counselor or trainor, but I do know people who are, so let me know in the comments if you’d like me to link you up with someone who can help teach you NFP! 🙂 And remember, your fertility is not a disease — it’s a blessing and a gift! 🙂
Thanks for the shout out, Tina! 🙂
Wow, I am SO honored that you dropped by my little ol’ blog, Haley! 🙂 I think your blog is absolutely AWESOME! Your post about “Praying with Your Feet” totally resonated with me! And thank YOU for the great NFP series! 🙂