If you’ve been on the Internet lately (and who hasn’t, right?), you’ve probably seen all the news articles and memes going around about the Miss Universe 2015 pageant, where host Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner. Harvey announced Miss Colombia as Miss Universe 2015 instead of Miss Philippines Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, and the online world hasn’t stopped talking about his mistake since. (Here’s a video, in case you missed it!)
Now, while mistakes like Harvey’s certainly have a huge impact on other people, we should also try to see beyond human error, and attempt to see the “good” behind it all. I think that we parents, especially, can use instances like these to ask ourselves, “What can we learn from this?” More importantly, “What can our kids possibly learn from this?”
To help my fellow parents out (and maybe even the non-parents out there), I’m sharing 6 important lessons kids can learn from the whole Miss Universe 2015 incident — head on over to .
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