month is almost over but there are still so many reasons to celebrate this great gift and privilege of being able to nourish our little ones! 🙂 Yes, breastfeeding truly is best and is one of THE best ways to provide perfect bonding moments between you and your child… even way beyond infancy! (Believe me, this is SO true! Our little girl is already three and still nurses!)
If you want proof, here are some great photos of a few members of NewlywedsAtWork or N@W. 🙂 Inspired by the of Stanley and Jenny Ong, Benz Co-Rana, the main momma behind and W@W (WeddingsAtWork), came up with a Breastfeeding Marathon Shoot, featuring some of the N@Wie moms and kids. (Read her post about it .)
I got Benz’s permission to post a few of the photos here, and here are some of my favorites:
Mommy Maricar feeding Baby Joaquin (24 months)
Mommy Kate feeding Baby Jacob (16 months)
Mommy Ivy feeding Rafa (8 months)
Mommy Clarice feeding Baby Jia (49 months)
One of my frustrations as a first time mom was that Jia was not able to latch and I was not able to directly breastfeed her. When Joya was born, Jia was almost 3years old and typical of an older kid, she wanted to do what Joya can do and thus, she started breastfeeding. Wild, right? 🙂
Benz feeding Baby Laya (28 months)
If you guys want to see MORE awesome breastfeeding photos, click . Though I am not so sure if the photo album on FB is on “Public” mode. If you can’t view it on FB, click to see Benz’s post with the photos.
And now, what greater way to end this breastfeeding-related post than by having another giveaway by ? I just realized I wasn’t able to post a giveaway again last week, so this week, TWO people stand a chance (again!) to win TWO boxes of Moringana malunggay capsules! 🙂
The same rules apply — the giveaway is open to everyone with Philippine shipping addresses and will run for one week starting today. 🙂 Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to join. 🙂 Thanks, friends! Happy Breastfeeding Month! (Or what’s left of it, haha!)
The same rules apply — the giveaway is open to everyone with Philippine shipping addresses and will run for one week starting today. 🙂 Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to join. 🙂 Thanks, friends! Happy Breastfeeding Month! (Or what’s left of it, haha!)
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