If you’re wondering what in the heck the title of this post means, then it’s most likely that (a) you don’t have any kids (b) your kids are all grown and you don’t remember anything remotely resembling these names that have any connection with children or (c) your kids haven’t come down with these illnesses.
It turns out that erythema, like its “cousin” roseola, is a mild illness and self-limiting too. As I write this post, Rysse is almost 100% recovered, thank God, and with the help of my new favorite natural miracle oil, virgin coconut oil, her rashes (including the really bad diaper/heat rash she developed on our last mission trip to Baucau) are almost completely gone.
This post goes out especially to all parents/caregivers of children out there who may not have had any experience with roseola (sixth illness) and erythema infectiosum (fifth illness). Actually to all parents/caregivers of children period. 🙂 The most important tips I’d like to share are:
(a) When your child gets sick, DON’T PANIC (have to tell myself that a lot!).
(b) Take note of all signs and symptoms, when they started, etc etc
(c) Being well-informed is always a BONUS. If you can afford to, invest in childcare books such as those mentioned above. We usually buy ours at secondhand bookstores or at sales.
(d) Don’t be afraid to call your pediatrician when your child is ill. If in doubt, it always pays to BE THE OBSESSIVE PARENT. (But please don’t hound your pedia 24/7! A mistake I’ve made once before, which deserves a post of its own. hahaha.)
(e) Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is actually the real deal!!!! It has so many health benefits and is all-natural! Perfect for Baby’s tender skin!
(f) Pray and have faith. (Again, note to self!!! Don’t forget this!!! hahaha). God is bigger than all our problems and worries combined.
Happy Parenting everyone!
P.S. For Rysse’s bad diaper rash, I religiously applied VCO, put a bit of zinc-medicated powder in her diaper, and applied a bit of drapolene cream after every diaper change. Also, I stopped using disposables and let her sit around butt-naked every now and then. 🙂 After about a week, her rash is clearing up quite nicely! Thank You God! 🙂