So… how do you like the blog’s new look, everyone? And, of course, the new name: Truly Rich and Blessed. I hope it resonates with each of you somehow, even if it’s just in one tiny, simple way.
This change has been in the process for a long time… for over a year, actually… it’s something I’d been praying about even before Easter 2014. It took quite a while for things to fall into place, but I know it was all part of God’s plan… which included me saying “goodbye” to blogging for a while, then coming back, then declaring new hopes, new dreams and new plans — including for this blog.
A major part of the “rebranding” process of the blog included being asked to host an online TV show, major introspection and lots of prayer and reflection, consulting with my dear friend and rockstar blog coach Martine and other Blissmakers, and collaborating with my producer (for the online show!) and rockstar designer Sky. (Martine and Sky deserve their own posts, actually!)
So yes, the process took a rather long time… but isn’t the outcome great? All for His greater glory!
Which leads me to the reason why this post is titled the way it is.
The blog may have a new name and a new look but its purpose is essentially the same.
It’s to (hopefully) provide inspiration and encouragement to you, dear friends, to be “truly rich” in all aspects of your lives.
Beyond being a “mommy blog” about the “riches of faith, family life and life in general” though, I’m praying and hoping that more people — even “non-moms” — will be blessed by this site, and everything connected to it, especially our community and our offline events.

Blessed to birth two babies (so far) this year — the rebranded site and our fourth baby! Thank You, Lord! (And thank you, Celwyn Abasolo, Dr. Kaycee Reyes, and Audrey Angcos for this photo!)
To be honest with you, I have a lot of plans for Truly Rich and Blessed, and I’m praying that they will all be aligned to God’s will and plan. There is still a lot of work to be done on the site, especially in terms of fixing the blog categories and posts, etc. — which I will *try* to finish before I give birth, which is anytime soon! Of course, I have to prioritize family and work, so it’s going to be a slooooow process. Do bear with me for now!
In the meantime, I wish you all the very best — a truly rich and blessed life! I don’t know when I will be back for another post because I could already be busy with a newborn in the next few days — but I do hope to stay connected to you all via , or ! God bless us all!