I wanted to write a brief post about what I learned at the “It’s a WAHMderful Life Workshop” organized by Dainty Mom and Manila Workshops earlier (errr… yesterday… Yes, I SHOULD be sleeping, I know! Bad preggy mama!). Just five quick points for now, but I promise to write a more lengthy post soon! 🙂
1. More than being a WAHM (work-at-home-mom), you need to define your purpose in life. You need to be intentional about it. You need to come up with your own mommy mission statement. I realized that although I already came up with my own mission statement (thanks to one of Martine’s blog contests), it needs some tweaking now. 🙂 Something to work on in the coming week! (Lord, help me!)
So what is your purpose, Tina? |
2. When it comes to being a WAHM, there is no fixed template/schedule. Each WAHM… well, each woman, in fact, will have to manage their lives and everything that comes with it (their families, homes, work, {for some of us} homeschooling, etc.) the best way they know how. So it’s OK if this other WAHM seems to have it “all together…” and you don’t. What matters is you do your best.
The panel of awesome WAHMs, whom I am blessed to have as my friends: Marge Aberasturi, Michelle Padrelanan, Toni Tiu and Jennyfer Ang Tan |
3. Just like what I learned from the 1st Mompreneur Summit (oh, I know I have been remiss in posting my lessons from that {yikes!} so for the meantime pls. check out Cai’s post on Apples and Dumplings here, teehee! I learned the same lessons, anyway!), there is no such thing as a work-life balance. There will NEVER be a balance. But, as Martine so aptly put it, “There will be a dance.” And I think dancing is definitely more fun than balancing, don’t you? 🙂
Martine did an excellent job with this event, along with Ginger of Manila Workshops! 🙂 Thanks for reminding us to “dance!” |
4. Always put the kids first before work. They’re the main reason (well, in most cases anyway) why you chose to be a WAHM anyway, right? (Oh I MUST remember this whenever I’m rushing to beat deadlines!) Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t set boundaries. The kids should know when it’s time to play or be with Mama, and when it’s time for Mama to work.
My main reasons (plus Baby no. 3!) for wanting to work from home fulltime 🙂 Sorry for the blurred pic, Haha! |
5. If you’re serious about becoming a WAHM, learn to brand yourself. Learn to market your services. Network with as many people as you can — especially those who will help you grow your business. Never stop learning. Invest in yourself and your business. Find a mentor. Join a support group/community or “tribe” of WAHMs, like the one we have on .
Well, that’s it for now… My head’s starting to ache, haha! Oh, and an additional tip/reminder-to-myself, it’s never too late to start having a regular skin care regimen! (Come on, Tina, you can do this! Haha!) Thanks to Rhinna of and for the reminder! 🙂
And thanks, too, to the other sponsors/partners for this event: St. Patrick Baby, Howards Storage World, , Xend and !
And to for my yummy vegetarian lasagna lunch and for the merienda! 🙂
Till my next post, folks! 🙂 Have a blessed Sunday!