I can’t believe it’s been exactly 1 month since my last post here — Lent had just begun then, and now Holy Week and Easter are less than 2 weeks away!
Lest you think that I had taken to going offline as a form of Lenten sacrifice, please allow me to be completely honest with y’all: I have actually been super active online; just not here. 😉 (Sorry, folks! And yes, sorry to myself, too, coz’, you know, blog stats and all that!) Please indulge me as I update you on what’s been going on lately.
Ever since Lent began, I’ve been busy helping promote the Catholic Conference 4 Moms (use my exclusive discount code “Rich” to get $10 off the conference package!), blogging for Philstar.com, researching for and writing articles for Smart Parenting, and working on Mustard and Catholic Filipino Academy or CFA’s blog and e-newsletter.
On top of all that, I’ve been working on PR and social media-related projects for another business/brand, plus catching up on my contributor posts for Make It Blissful and Catholic Mom! And trying to keep the conversations flowing on our ! (Hurray for building communities!)
By God’s grace, I also managed to squeeze in attending a private Positive Discipline workshop by my friends from The Learning Basket, meetings, family gatherings, and gown fittings for a dear friend’s upcoming wedding, at which I’ll be one of the secondary sponsors. Not to mention homeschooling, chores, mommy and wifey duties, of course! Plus corresponding online with potential blog partners and meeting up with good friends whom we hadn’t seen in a long time! Whew!
My dear husband and I were also proud “stage parents” to our son, who participated in CFA’s first Talents Day (yes, even if he’s not enrolled in CFA — he’s part of their Friday Clubs, and is a member of the Beginner Orchestra Club).
Meanwhile, our daughter’s and classes have also been keeping me/us busy! (And recently, she’s announced that she wants to take up gymnastics along with ballet — heeeellppp!)
They both have another art exhibit coming up soon, too, as part of Likhang Bata Online Gallery’s Art Festival on March 28 (please do come and join us!). Plus, they recently started a “s’mores business,” so they could earn money to buy a book that I would not buy with my own money (it cost 529 pesos!). That sort of kept us occupied too. (Oh, plus me and the kids getting sick! Thankfully, nothing serious!)
So yes, while I haven’t been that “visible” here, I have been occupied with oh so many wonderful blessings! Of course, in the spirit of keeping it real, I must admit that there have been times when I would complain or feel so tired or be snappish with the kids (and Anthony!). Please forgive me, Lord!
I must say, though, that trying to attend The Feast regularly again, though adding to the “busy-ness” of our weekends, has been so refreshing and inspiring! We were able to finish the Cool Catholics series, and started the Rock Bottom series as well.
I was again reminded of what really matters most in life, despite how busy we can get.
Yes, the ultimate purpose of life is to love God and love His people. Which brings me to the whole point of this (long-winded) post:
God has a purpose for everything.
He has a purpose for my life and yours, too. Sometimes, it may not be so clear to us, but He finds ways to show it to us. Which brings me to announce some very exciting news:
Because of God’s leading, and, I believe, Our Blessed Mother’s intercession too, THIS happened:
I’m going to have my own online show! 🙂
“The Truly Rich Mom Show” will be airing soon via Bukal.TV, which is a project of ! Each episode will be only 4 to 7 minutes long, and is aimed at providing short, simple and sweet bursts of inspiration and encouragement especially for (but not limited to) Catholic moms/parents. You can read more about the concept behind the show (and why I made a NEW Facebook page for it and this blog) .
So, there, what God can do in a month! Amazing, right?
He can do the same for you, friend.
All you need to do is open your life to Him. Let Him into your heart.
As we approach Holy Week and Easter, let’s not be discouraged if we haven’t been living our Lent. Instead, let’s focus on His amazing grace, His unconditional love, His beautiful plan.
I’m so excited to see the miracles that He has in store for you and for me. Thank you for allowing me to journey with you! Remember, ultimately, it’s all about seeking Him first.
What’s been keeping you busy this past month? Let’s chat in the comments!
Sooooo happy and proud for you classmate / kumare! 🙂
You forgot to add, met up with dear old friends too! hehe
See you soon! 🙂
Wahahaha! Oo nga pala! Will edit my post now. Hihi! Meet up soon! 🙂 Hugs and blessings and prayers! Mwah!