Today’s Word-filled Wednesdays post is all about humility.
If you’re new to this blog, or see my posts on and , you may think I’ve “got it all together” — by being able to manage working at home three days a week, being at the office two days (minimum) a week, homeschooling, blogging, writing for other publications, etc.
BUT if you’ve been reading this blog for some time now, you’ll know that I have my not-so-great moments. I’ve confessed many times in public that I am not a perfect parent and certainly no saint.
The past few days, I have come face to face again with the dark, painful reality of my sinfulness and weakness. Instead of being more loving and patient, kind and forgiving, I have been more harsh, more impatient, more unkind, more “nagging-ish.” My children and husband can attest to this.
It deeply saddens me whenever I hear our kids, especially our six-year-old, say things like: “You’re always angry…” “You don’t love us… because you’re always angry…” “I miss Papa… I wish he was here, because you always get mad at us…” (Can you see a terrible pattern here? *sighs*)
So today, I come before God (and you, dear friends) again… humbled and broken… acknowledging that I need His mercy. Today’s Responsorial Psalm is also my own personal prayer:
I don’t know what you’re going through right now, but I hope that the psalm and my own “confession” will let you know that you are not alone. You may feel that you are “dirt,” super sinful, hopeless, beyond any salvation, unworthy, too broken to be healed…
Well, let me tell you now. You are not.
God loves you and me with an everlasting love. When we humble ourselves, turn from our “wicked ways,” seek His face, He will hear our pleas. He will heed our prayers.
None of us is beyond God’s mercy.
None of us is beyond God’s love.
None of us is beyond God’s grace.
I pray that as Lent goes on, we can truly focus on being humble and how much we need God and His love and mercy. More than that though, let’s focus on the victory that He has already won for us on the cross.
P.S. Do you have something you’re struggling with this Lent? Do you need prayers? Feel free to leave a comment below, and I’ll include you in our daily intentions. 🙂 God bless you!
This is beautiful, Tina. Thank you for your vocation to be a missionary in everything that you do. God bless YOU!
Hi Mariel! 🙂 God deserves all the thanks, not me. And you know more than anyone else how hard I struggle sometimes. 😀 Thanking God for you and your family today and always! God bless! 🙂 (And my, you are up so early! Heehee!)