Yesterday, I submitted my first post as a contributor to Upside Down Homeschooling, an awesome site that provides homeschooling tips, encouragement and a whole lot more. I am so blessed to be part of it, and can’t wait to share my post with you all. I wrote about the fears that I’ve been having lately as regards our homeschooling. Of course, those aren’t the only fears I wrestle with. Just to give you a few examples:
- I’m afraid that our kids won’t grow up to know, love and serve God.
- I’m afraid that my being a “Monster Mama” at times will ruin our kids for life (though I’ve mellowed a bit since I’ve been trying to live out my One Word and Verse, and being part of an has been very helpful, too).
- I’m afraid of what will happen to our kids if — God forbid — something should happen to my husband and me.
- I’m afraid of losing my husband — shout-out to all the single parents out there: you guys are AMAZING!
- I’m afraid of dying early and leaving my kids mother-less. Though I have told them that if anything should happen to me and God wants to call Mama home early (yes, we talk about these things sometimes), Mama Mary will be there as their mother, just like she was for Blessed John Paul II.
- I’m afraid that we aren’t living healthily enough.
- I’m afraid that we won’t have enough money to pay for our payables every month and add to our investments and give to those in need.
Etcetera, etcetera.
It can be crippling, these fears all combined.
Well, you know what? I want out.
Starting yesterday, while writing my post for Upside Down Homeschooling, I told myself, Enough.
Enough of being afraid.
More of living in faith.
More of perfect love.
Admittedly, I don’t love others perfectly — including (and on most days, especially) my husband and my kids.
I don’t love God perfectly either — I struggle with having quiet time for prayer and God’s Word, and living out His commandments every day.
But I still choose to let go of my fears.
Once again, I strive for perfect love.
I invite you to join me in this journey towards perfect love! Feel free to comment below and share what fears you’re struggling with now — I shall include you and your concerns in my prayers!
Hey Tina! I’ve been having exactly the same thoughts lately. And then I saw a post on FB (it’s helpful sometimes haha) saying that worrying doesn’t solve the problems of tomorrow but takes away the joy of today. BOOM! I’m with you on this one!
Amen! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I love that — so I will try not to take away the joy of today! 🙂 One with you in many things, my dear! God bless!
ohmigoodness, it’s like reading my own list of fears, haha. it’s so reassuring to know that i’m not at all weird for having those thoughts about dying and leaving my kids motherless and all those other stuff.
we really need to remember to live by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) and that God is un-moved by our character flaws and weaknesses…and that his plans for our children will continue no matter how imperfect our parenting is.
nice blog, Tina. 🙂
Live by faith, that’s really what we need to do, May! 🙂 Amen and amen! Thanks for dropping by ha. To God be the glory!
Thanks for sharing this Tina. I guess fear is part of loving and since we are mothers whose main purpose is to love, fear is inevitable. As for me, I always take life per day. We need to plan but not too much that we can’t enjoy the day as it is. When I think of tomorrow, I usually feel overwhelmed so I try not to do that anymore 🙂 thanks for bringing this up. Makes me happy!
Thank you for dropping by, Lani! Let’s journey together in faith! God bless you!